I have a two year old Labrador named Finn.  He is the first dog I have raised on my own.  I used positive reinforcement to potty train him, sit, lay down, etc.  He does so many things well, but he is definitely in charge and I needed to fix that. He weighs 85 pounds and he can pull me around on a leash. He or I were going to get hurt if I didn’t so something more.

We Needed Training  

We had a close call that scared me and I decided I needed some additional training.  I, needed additional training.  I am sure you have heard that dogs need an Alpha.  You can find a lot of information to support or deny that.  It became very clear to me through the trainer I chose that I was not the Alpha dog.  

I had heard that term, but I didn’t really know what it meant.  I feed him, walk him, love him and take care of his needs.  The trainer actually said I was a pushover.  What? I wasn’t the Alpha and Finn knew it. 

The trainer was an Alpha.  Finn reacted to him so much differently than he reacted to me. I saw what a change in my behavior could do for Finn and me.

Leadership and Dogs

I have been a leader throughout my career.  I have led teams as an Executive Director for nonprofit organizations of all sizes.  I have led the team and individuals to success. 

I would consider myself a leader, but I never liked the word Boss.  (Sounds like Alpha, huh?).  So when the trainer said I needed to lead, I thought, OK. I’ve got this. 

But the way I lead teams is not what a dog needs.  He doesn’t want consensus building, he doesn’t get a say because I know what is best for him as a dog.  But, can you really do that with people?  No.  

So I never learned how to be an Alpha as a leader of my team. I lead by example. I build teams who know that I will be there for them. I helped align their success, I helped make hard decisions for the greater good, I kept the needs of the team above all else.

What Does Your Team (or Dog) Need?  

My dog needs someone to teach him discipline.  He needs help to be the best dog he can be.  He needs tough love.  He needs me to put his greater good above all else.  Do I need to use different tools to do that for him?  Yes.  But I can do it.  I can be an Alpha dog for him and a great leader of people also.  

What kind of leader are you?  Are you the same with people as you are with your dog? 

PS. I’ll keep you posted on how Finn and I are doing.
